St Alban’s Kids Church: WAIT Advent Calendar

At St Alban’s Anglican Five Dock, the kids mark Advent as ‘waiting time’.

In 2015 the kids prepared for Advent by making their own advent calendars out of four numbered envelopes. Armed with every kind of purple craft item available, the kids got to work designing a series of envelopes that would remind them that advent is all about waiting: not just waiting for Christmas, but also waiting for Jesus to come again to get rid of all the lingering sin.


A couple of the girls designed acronym advent calendars, describing the things that Jesus will destroy when he returns. Very creative.

Our lessons that advent were taken straight from Scripture Union’s Light curriculum – four weeks exploring the Old Testament prophecies about the birth of Jesus. But we also made time for our WAIT advent calendars! We would pray about the sad things going on in our lives, and ask for Jesus to come back soon. And then, of course, we would open the next envelope – dutifully by the leaders week by week with stickers and lollies!