About Us

The Advent Project is coordinated by Alison and Matthew Moffitt. We’ve been married for a dozen years, and love being a part of God’s church at Christ Church Inner West.


Alison previously worked at ANGLICARE Sydney as a social researcher, before training for pastoral ministry with the Sydney University Evangelical Union and Moore Theological College. She is now young adults pastor at St Alban’s Five Dock.

Matthew previously worked for CMS-NSW. He also trained for ministry with the Sydney University Evangelical Union and completed a Bachelor of Divinity at Moore Theological College. He’s working at Sydney Uni again now, supporting pastoral ministry and evangelism among the academics, staff and research postgrads who work there too. He’s also an Anglican cleric and honourary assistant minister at Christ Church Inner West Anglican Community.

We have found Advent to be a helpful habit in preparing us for Christmas. December had become a stressful time with the over-indulgence of shopping, partying and church activities it exposed us to. Observing Advent helped us to slow down, to build our patience, and to melt our hearts by being reminded again of the God who took on flesh to bring us home. Advent turned our dissatisfaction with the busyness of life and the consumerism of Christmas into an expectation for Christ’s return.

Be patient, therefore, beloved, until the coming of the Lord. The farmer waits for the precious crop from the earth, being patient with it until it receives the early and the late rains. You also must be patient. Strengthen your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is near.
– James 5:7-9.

4 thoughts on “About Us

  1. Can someone tell me where can I find the sheet music or lead sheet ( for purchase ) for “Magnificat” ?

  2. Thank you for these resources.
    Each week I prepare devotionals in Spanish & English for 75 US Prisons which currently are closed to outside ministers because of Covid.
    Previously I’d been going inside jails, prison & juvenile for 19 years.

    Finding quality resources like yours is a help – something to pique creative thoughts.

    I’m a second career minister, graduate of Duke Divinity. Long ago in my business career I came to Australia/ sigh….oh the beauty and the seafood 😊

    M G Crandall / North Carolina USA

  3. The posts I’ve seen thus far on Facebook enhance our expectation of Christ’s Return! Maranatha! Soli Deo Gloria!!

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